This is such a well known speech. Al Pacino in the movie ‘Any Given Sunday’. He is talking about teamwork but when he talks about inches you know what I get from this …

Inches means small steps. Inches means spectacular achievements are often preceeded by unspectacular preparation. Inches means the little things inevitably add up to the big things. Inches means being faithful in the little things and in the space and season of your life where you are at now. Doing that well right now so that it prepares you for what is ahead. Inches means the big dreams come down to small goals being achieved and small accomplishments adding up.

And to me inches also speaks of PERSEVERENCE. Inches speaks of not giving up and not letting life push you backwards. Inches speaks of trying and trying again. Even if you fail and things don’t work out how you want. Fail again. Fail better. Persevere. Because we all know of the many amazing things that people have achieved as they have kept on going when everything around them seemed to pint to giving up. JK Rowling. Walt Disney. Hannibal. Christopher Columbus. Webster. Thomas Edison. Abraham Lincoln. Richard Branson and so on and so on.

So don’t despise small beginnings or small steps. A big journey starts with a small step and is made up of many little journey’s … many inches.

What is your next inch ?