2911, 2011

Zero to hero ?

By |November 29th, 2011|Belief|0 Comments

Gilbert Arena’s is an American basketball player for the Orlando Magic in the NBA. He is a 3x NAB All-Star, 3x member of the All-NBA Teams and was voted the NBA’s Most Improved Player in 2002-03.

Sounds great doesn’t it ? … well is wasn’t always great … listen to his story.

To use his own words …
My number is 0 – it reminds me of what people thought of me.
Noone believes in me anyway. So I’m going to fight for it.
Believing in myself when noone else did.
Prove everyone wrong.
1st 40 games sitting on the bench. Feeling depressed, useless, full of doubts. Tears. Pain.
Zero to hero.

My challenge:
When you want to do something great in life; when you have a vision and a dream for what you want; when you’re going after something … never be surprised that there will be doubters, sceptics, mockers and opposition. But never let anyone else’s expectations define your future. Choose to believe more in yourself than other people might believe in you. Choose to think differently. Choose to take responsibility for your own life and define your own success adn journey. These are the internal choices you will need to make. Noone will see them but these are the iron clad decisions and lines in the sand you will make inside. And from there you will add hard work, strategy, talent, perseverance and everything else it takes to get to where you want to … Just like Gilbert Arena ! From zero to hero … and your story is next …

2510, 2011

Tell me I can no longer fly – I want you to !

By |October 25th, 2011|Belief, Dare to Dream|0 Comments

Michael Jordan is one of my heroes. Not only because he is the most famous and incredible basketballer to have ever walked the planet, but also because in many ways he epitomises everything a great sportsperson (and indeed successful person) represents. Sure he is mentally tough. Sure he is talented. But he also worked extremely hard for it. It was not given to him on a silver platter. He earned every success he had.

Remember when he made a comeback to the NBA in 1995 after pursuing baseball. Everyone doubted he would be as good … well after leading Chicago to another 3 more NBA championships (96,97,98) I expect they were silenced. Then after retiring a 2nd time in 1999 he unexpectedly made a comeback to play for the Washington Wizards frpom 2001 to 2003. Again, people doubted he’s be up to it. Again, he proved them wrong.

Michael Jordan you inspire me … you inspire me to define my own path and not let others define what is possible for me or what I will do or wont do. To use your own quote “Limits, like fears, are often an illusion”.

And to add a personal touch to it, here’s the actual sign I had on my wall in my room in the Olympic Village in 2006 when I made my first Olympics and equalled the Australian record. I also had this made into a sticker and it sat in the bottom of my sled so I would see it just before I raced off the top. Inspired by people like Michael Jordan – impossible is nothing.

410, 2011

Secrets to success – Arnie style

By |October 4th, 2011|Action, Belief, Success|0 Comments

Before you watch this video let me tell you a little story …

When Arnold Schwarzenegger first came to America as a young teenager, he spent time living and training with Dr John Gourgott, an eye physician and successful bodybuilder who’d come second in the Mr America competition during the 1960s. Arnold was a young, relatively uneducated man who barely spoke a word of English. As a sort of father figure, John tried to give him some good, fatherly advice after Arnold won his first competition. He told him to invest his money and buy a gymnasium, to run it and build a solid future, in order to secure his financial future.

To John’s astonishment, Arnold listened and then quietly responded, ‘You don’t know the meaning of ambition. I’m not going to run a gym; I’m going to be a movie star – and I’m going to be the President of America!’ John was incredulous and tried to get Arnold to see reason. And yet history shows what a man could achieve who had much less going for him than most people who turn up in Hollywood wanting to be a star. He had an unshakeable belief in himself and was prepared to do whatever hard work was necessary for him to get there. Failure was just another lesson on the way to achieving what he wanted – and perhaps one day he will be President of the United States!

We all know what Arnie has gone on to achieve – in bodybuiding, in Hollywood and the movies and most recently in politics.  So love him or hate him – he has been there and done that and can rightly talk about secrets to success.

So – secrets to success Arnie style …

1.       Trust yourself
2.       Break some rules
3.       Don’t be afraid to fail
4.       Ignore the naysayers
5.       Hardwork – Work like hell!
6.       Give something back

My challenge – do one of these better and you’ll see a difference … so go for it and good luck !

1206, 2010


By |June 12th, 2010|Belief|0 Comments

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right !”

How often does our belief in ourselves hold us back ? How many times have we told ourselves we can’t do something before we’ve even tried or even started ? How many times have people believed in us more than we have believed in ourself. How often have you wished you had that unshakeable belief that champions have ? That look in your eye that Tiger Woods or Roger Federer or Jarrod Hayne or Darren Lockyer seem to have. That deep, inner conviction.

The thing is, we actually have control over this. We have control over how much we believe in ourselves. We have control over our confidence. It comes from us – not our parents, our friends, our coaches, our work colleagues or our teammates. Sure they can contribute. Their encouragement can be positive for us as easily as others views can be negative and form limiting mindsets for us (‘you can’t do that !’ or ”you’ll never amount to anything’). But we have ultimate control over our belief in ourself.

And this is important because our belief in ourself often determines what we will do or try. It determines how willing we are to overcome obstacles and keep going when the going gets tough. it contributes to our motivation. It affects our performance.

There are a number of tools we can use to develop this belief if you’re like the 99% of people in the world and don’t already have it. (Watch our for my upcoming book on my website www.jeremyrolleston.com where I go into this in depth). But as a start, try being conscious of the sort of thoughts you put into your head. Are they positive and contributing to your belief ?

Here’s a few quotes and thoughts to help you on your way …

  • I CAN do …
  • “Preparation equals confidence”
  • I WILL achieve …
  • “Be your own best friend and not your own worst enemy”
  • It is absolutely POSSIBLE for me to …
  • “It is not who you thought you were that held you back, it is who you think you’re not”

Go well and believe in yourself !